What is Holographic Kinetics (HK) ?
Holographic Kinetics works with the SPIRIT of a person to change the trauma that was created in a certain point / event in time, the trauma locks in & stores energy from that painful experience in the cells of the body & the client will start to run a program that is repeating itself as a pattern through time, essentially becoming STUCK in that moment of time from that event , & causing you to keep experiencing the same feelings and thoughts over & over & over again.
This “issue/pattern” may have been passed on genetically and or from a physical or emotional trauma or even just a reaction you had to an event and locked in a thought & emotions you had over that event.
Working with you & your SPIRIT, the practitioner assists the person to change the cause at its creation point, as the SPIRIT knows how, where when and why anything was ever created. Together you and your SPIRIT create a new dimension that is now your new present and future. You change your past in the present for your future. Every thought is created in its own dimension of time. Once we hold onto a thought it begins to grow as an internal life from. This life form needs to grow for its own survival, every time we react, we feed it & it grows. The reactors trap more internalized energy, only when we let go of what we are holding onto can we come back to point zero, no longer stuck in time and able to move forward. Indigenous cultures understand this & how one can be “stuck” in a cycle of time.
HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS is able to assist in dealing with the physical and nonphysical realms of reality.
It is important to note, that every case is unique and different, although the symptoms may look alike. Through HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS it has been shown time and time again that to obtain results, each person must see for themselves, the cause (moment in time) and their reaction that has created the effects they are experiencing. No one outside of that person’s reality can assume or prescribe the cause of the effect. The answer (the key) is held within the person presenting with the issues. HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS assists in accessing the key so the person can see the thoughts and agreements they made in that moment in time, understand the patterns in their lives and create the changes necessary for mental health and wellbeing to be restored.
Using Holographic Kinetic Therapy Technique allows clients of all cultures and all ages to take their own non-invasive journey and understand why they struggle with life today. What is influencing their lives? They understand that clearing and changing events in the present of the past, changes the future and gives them the freedom to choose a much happier life and eliminate unacceptable patterns and behaviors of the future. Within the prison system we often hear the words,” I don’t know why I keep doing the same thing over and over,” these people are stuck in dimensions of repeat cycles of time this can be cleared, usually in one session.
Steve Richards, the founder of Holographic Kinetic therapy technique is of Aboriginal descendant. He was awarded the 2005 Life Award, Certificate of Commendation by Suicide Prevention Australia. Steve was nominated for the Human Rights Medal Award in 2005 and 2006. He was also nominated for Australian of the Year in 2007 as an acknowledgement of the results for the outstanding achievements using the Holographic Kinetics Therapy Technique.
For even more info check out the website: https://www.holographickinetics.com/h-k-practitioners
Who is Holographic Kinetics (HK) for?
Anyone who is ready to change repeating patterns within themselves ether mentally, physically, genetically, spiritually, relationships and or environment. If you are ready to take responsibility to change your life this modality is for you.
This could be in the area of mental health challenges, trauma, suicidal thoughts, addictions, physical pain, generational trauma, feeling stuck, medical damage, mental health diagnosis and so on.
HK is primarily a mental health modality but as many physical issues are linked to mental issues we often see results on a physical level as well.
The practitioner is there to assist you in your healing and are not here to heal you.
The sessions are only available in-person.
In addition but not limited to;
- HK works on pets.
- HK can clear paranormal activity from house or property.
Advanced Aboriginal Healing Modality Using the Laws of LORE

Interested in a session?
Use the "contact" list below. Mads currently lives in Norway, Oslo area.
The sessions are only available in-person.
If you are not currently in Norway and wonder if there are any practitioners near you to book as session with or to learn this modality, more info here: https://www.holographickinetics.com
What to expect?
A Holographic Kinetics healing session takes approximately 1 hour where you will lie comfortably on a massage table, in a normal waking state. Through kinetics, your spirit will indicate how, where, when and why you created the cause of any created effect, no matter how far back on your timeline this may have been created or no matter how far back on the genetic hereditary line it may have been created.
In each session, we are looking for the cause of about 3 effects and it is advisable to bring to your appointment a list of issues you may want to work on that are affecting you.
However, don’t go looking for your issues; remember where the focus goes the energy flows, as there may be suppressed memories or things that come to your awareness to be acknowledged, learned from, healed and let go of.
After the session, it is advisable to take it easy, as your body could go through a defragging process over a 48-hour period.