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Who is Holographic Kinetics (HK) for?

Anyone who is ready to change repeating patterns within themselves ether mentally, physically, genetically, spiritually, relationships and or environment. If you are ready to take responsibility to change your life this modality is for you.

This could be in the area of mental health challenges, trauma, suicidal thoughts, addictions, physical pain, generational trauma, feeling stuck, medical damage, mental health diagnosis and so on. 

HK is primarily a mental health modality but as many physical issues are linked to mental issues we often see results on a physical level as well.     

The practitioner is there to assist you in your healing and are not here to heal you.

The sessions are only available in-person. 


In addition but not limited to; 

- HK works on pets. 

- HK can clear paranormal activity from house or property.  

What is Holographic Kinetics?


Holographic Kinetics (HK) is based on the ancient Aboriginal knowledge of the laws of LORE and the understanding that all things in nature are alive. Holographic Kinetics is not hypnosis or psychotherapy. It looks at the body as a whole, accessing cellular memory passed down from generations (including trauma) and the cause and effect of events. Thoughts and emotions set up in the past and present affect the cycles of the future. These events, thoughts and emotions are trapped in the body today, affecting our lives and causing us to continue repeating the cycles of life patterns within their own dimension of time, which we can become stuck in.


Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics is an understanding of two worlds, an internal to external and an external to the internal world.​ Dreamtime Healing is part of what the Australian Aboriginal "Lore Men" knew from the past and could apply; Holographic Kinetics is the science behind their knowledge.​​​


Steve Richards, the founder of Holographic Kinetic therapy technique is of Aboriginal descendant. He was awarded the 2005 Life Award, Certificate of Commendation by Suicide Prevention Australia. Steve was nominated for the Human Rights Medal Award in 2005 and 2006. He was also nominated for Australian of the Year in 2007 as an acknowledgement of the results for the outstanding achievements using the Holographic Kinetics Therapy Technique.

For even more info check out the website:


Advanced Aboriginal HealingModality Using the Laws of LORE

Writing Paper

Interested in a session?

Use the "contact" list below. Mads currently lives in Norway, Oslo area.

The sessions are only available in-person. 


If you are out of Norway and wonder if there are any practitioners near you can find more info here:

What to expect?


A Holographic Kinetics healing session takes approximately 1 hour where you will lie comfortably on a massage table, in a normal waking state. Through kinetics, your spirit will indicate how, where, when and why you created the cause of any created effect, no matter how far back on your timeline this may have been created or no matter how far back on the genetic hereditary line it may have been created.


In each session, we are looking for the cause of about 3 effects and it is advisable to bring to your appointment a list of issues you may want to work on that are affecting you.


However, don’t go looking for your issues; remember where the focus goes the energy flows, as there may be suppressed memories or things that come to your awareness to be acknowledged, learned from, healed and let go of.


After the session, it is advisable to take it easy, as your body could go through a defragging process over a 48-hour period.

Contact Mads for a session

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